

Silence, shadows.
Night comes.
For God’s sake, get out
soon the forest.
What we have gone
we have to retrace.
Give me your hand
I barely see.

Rafael Lasso de la Vega

“During the last two centuries, Western philosophy has developed in the shadow of Hegel, whose influence each new thinker tries in vain to escape … Today, world capitalism is undone at the seams, so that we are entering new transition. ”

From the book “Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism”

Slavoj Žižek.

Other Keys:

Roberto Burle Marx 

Sometimes, in the glow of the market, you can find some shade. Shadows of the Capitalism.

The Chocolate Box

My momma always said, “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

Forrest Gump, 1994

The Maze

Zeus himself could not undo the web
of stone closing around me. I have forgotten
the men I was before; I follow the hated
path of monotonous walls
that is my destiny. Severe galleries
which curve in secret circles
to the end of the years. Parapets
cracked by the days’ usury.
In the pale dust I have discerned
signs that frighten me. In the concave
evenings the air has carried a roar
toward me, or the echo of a desolate howl.
I know there is an Other in the shadows,
whose fate it is to wear out the long solitudes
which weave and unweave this Hades
and to long for my blood and devour my death.
Each of us seeks the other. If only this
were the final day of waiting.

The Labyrinth


The Revolution Seed

Indeed I live in the dark ages!
A guileless word is an absurdity. A smooth forehead betokens
A hard heart. He who laughs
Has not yet heard
The terrible tidings.
Ah, what an age it is
When to speak of trees is almost a crime
For it is a kind of silence about injustice!
And he who walks calmly across the street,
Is he not out of r
each of his friends
In trouble?
It is true: I earn my living
But, believe me, it is only an accident.
Nothing that I do entitles me to eat my fill.
By chance I was spared. (If my luck leaves me
I am lost.)
They tell me: eat and drink. Be glad you have it!
But how can I eat and drink
When my food is snatched from the hungry
And my glass of water belongs to the thirsty?
And yet I eat and drink.
I would gladly be wise.
The old books tell us what wisdom is:
Avoid the strife of the world
Live out your little time
Fearing no one
Using no violence
Returning good for evil –
Not fulfillment of desire but forgetfulness
Passes for wisdom.
I can do none of this:
Indeed I live in the dark ages!

Bertolt Brecht

The Iris

among the market vegetables,
this torpedo
from the ocean
a missile
that swam,
lying in front of me

by the earth’s green froth
—these lettuces,
bunches of carrots—
only you
lived through
the sea’s truth, survived
the unknown, the
darkness, the depths
of the sea,
the great
le grand abîme,
only you:
to that deepest night.

Only you:
dark bullet
from the depths,
one wound,
but resurgent,
always renewed,
locked into the current,
fins fletched
like wings
in the torrent,
in the coursing
like a grieving arrow,
sea-javelin, a nerveless
oiled harpoon.

in front of me,
catafalqued king
of my own ocean;
sappy as a sprung fir
in the green turmoil,
once seed
to sea-quake,
tidal wave, now
dead remains;
in the whole market
was the only shape left
with purpose or direction
in this
jumbled ruin
of nature;
you are
a solitary man of war
among these frail vegetables,
your flanks and prow
and slippery
as if you were still
a well-oiled ship of the wind,
the only
of the sea: unflawed,
navigating now
the waters of death.

Pablo Neruda


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chancebludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.


 William Ernest Henley